יום רביעי, 25 בינואר 2012

cancellation of the cervix

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman begins her physical preparation for childbirth. The first signs of labor are effacement and dilation of major changes occur in the neck and work together to help the baby come uteru safely and without problems of its parent company

What is the cancellation of the cervix?

If a woman is not pregnant, and for more than one pregnancy, so her neck is long and thick. In actual measurements, a normal cervix is ​​not very long, only 5.3 cm (1.2 ") long. Prepared in the last weeks of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus for the baby to pass is getting shorter and thinner. This process is called extinction. As the cervix is ​​becoming increasingly blurred, the more it will be "arrested" seems to get shorter and the time part of the lower uterus (uterine cervix seems to disappear almost). loss is also sometimes referred to as "maturation" or "thinning" .

As the deadline moves, the baby's head goes down and the uterus begins to contract, combined with obliteration and dilatation, and pressure can cause pain and cramping. Women, especially those with their first pregnancy, you might think, this means that they go to work, but these "false labor" or Braxton Hicks contractions are the first signs that the process began. It takes will be completely erased in several weeks for the cervix. (If a woman has her first child, your cervix will be removed before it in subsequent pregnancies, the cervix can expand only expands, then delete it.)

In the last weeks of pregnancy, your doctor will investigate, and report on the cervix can these changes. Obliteration of the cervix is ​​measured as a percentage - for example, is deleted no change 0% if the cervix is ​​half its normal thickness, which is 50% disabled. If the cervix is ​​100%, which is completely free, so that only the free opening at the bottom of the womb the child.

Preparing for Baby: Expansion

Since the cervix is ​​thinner and disappears, but also begins to stretch and open. This is called dilation. This expansion and openness makes it easier for the child's head and the rest of the body through the uterus into the vagina to pass for the delivery.

The degree of expansion is measured in centimeters. For most of her pregnancy, the cervix is ​​zero inches, closed and not extended, hold the baby in a safe and growing. During active labor market policy, your doctor will measure the degree of expansion by inserting a gloved finger into the vagina. Sometimes, the expansion also refers to "finger", based on manual checking, for example, "it is expanded with two fingers." A finger is about one centimeter, but it is a subjective, because the fingers varies, especially between men and women of the examiners.

Work progress is measured by the progression of cervical dilatation of the pregnant woman. Generally felt that the cervix extend to one centimeter per hour of work, but it can not be generalized to all women and pregnancies. 0-4 centimeters dilated than premature birth, and it is not unusual for a woman up to 2 centimeters dilated weeks before the birth. 4-7 centimeters dilation occurs during active labor market policy. 7.10 inches, the phase transition (change of the active phase of labor, the last delivery), and if the cervix is ​​10 centimeters (about the size of a newborn head) is dilated as is ready to give birth.
In the last weeks of pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman begins her physical preparation for childbirth. The first signs of labor are effacement and dilation of major changes occur in the neck and work together for the baby to arrive safely and stress-free womb.

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