יום שלישי, 31 בינואר 2012

pregnant Moods

You always have mood swings during pregnancy is very stressful and having some trouble with a lot of time - in this article have a good recommendation for great stress relief during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a stressful time and are broken, many couples in a constant struggle, and often find themselves in situations they never expected. The new situation is, of course, life as a result of changes in the body of a woman. Some people naively believe that change a woman's body during pregnancy is only the physical body, if her swollen belly and growing every day. Well, mistakenly thought it relies devastating. The reason for the error that is destructive, because there are many couples who are his enemies, just because they are aware of the new situation, where they are. New situation is strongly influenced by mood uncontrollable woman.

To grow in the event of an uncontrollable impulses?
So uncontrollable impulses from one source and essential hormones women, hormones crazy and radical change responsible for the behavior of a woman. Almost no woman has no control over their mood and she goes and she was always nervous at any time during your pregnancy.
What are you doing? What will solve the problem? We must first understand one basic thing, which frankly says that women are not responsible for the mood. Output only from the perspective of the silent woman and man's ability to carry a pregnancy. The measures should be nervous just before the incident, the following must also adjust to summarize what you can to a situation in which the nerves and cause no explosion limit.
Tips for a good massage every night, it is definitely a board can go directly to the mood of pregnant women. Ability to adapt to change size during this period.
The Council of the action on two occasions, and Hweitit example, to be photographed together, pregnancy photography have now more fashionable to take this opportunity to work with a night or relax in the morning without cameras and Maori before the cameras, you know after Indeed, was photographed from the heart and can burn you with a smile this environment will remain together until birth.

יום רביעי, 25 בינואר 2012

cancellation of the cervix

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman begins her physical preparation for childbirth. The first signs of labor are effacement and dilation of major changes occur in the neck and work together to help the baby come uteru safely and without problems of its parent company

What is the cancellation of the cervix?

If a woman is not pregnant, and for more than one pregnancy, so her neck is long and thick. In actual measurements, a normal cervix is ​​not very long, only 5.3 cm (1.2 ") long. Prepared in the last weeks of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus for the baby to pass is getting shorter and thinner. This process is called extinction. As the cervix is ​​becoming increasingly blurred, the more it will be "arrested" seems to get shorter and the time part of the lower uterus (uterine cervix seems to disappear almost). loss is also sometimes referred to as "maturation" or "thinning" .

As the deadline moves, the baby's head goes down and the uterus begins to contract, combined with obliteration and dilatation, and pressure can cause pain and cramping. Women, especially those with their first pregnancy, you might think, this means that they go to work, but these "false labor" or Braxton Hicks contractions are the first signs that the process began. It takes will be completely erased in several weeks for the cervix. (If a woman has her first child, your cervix will be removed before it in subsequent pregnancies, the cervix can expand only expands, then delete it.)

In the last weeks of pregnancy, your doctor will investigate, and report on the cervix can these changes. Obliteration of the cervix is ​​measured as a percentage - for example, is deleted no change 0% if the cervix is ​​half its normal thickness, which is 50% disabled. If the cervix is ​​100%, which is completely free, so that only the free opening at the bottom of the womb the child.

Preparing for Baby: Expansion

Since the cervix is ​​thinner and disappears, but also begins to stretch and open. This is called dilation. This expansion and openness makes it easier for the child's head and the rest of the body through the uterus into the vagina to pass for the delivery.

The degree of expansion is measured in centimeters. For most of her pregnancy, the cervix is ​​zero inches, closed and not extended, hold the baby in a safe and growing. During active labor market policy, your doctor will measure the degree of expansion by inserting a gloved finger into the vagina. Sometimes, the expansion also refers to "finger", based on manual checking, for example, "it is expanded with two fingers." A finger is about one centimeter, but it is a subjective, because the fingers varies, especially between men and women of the examiners.

Work progress is measured by the progression of cervical dilatation of the pregnant woman. Generally felt that the cervix extend to one centimeter per hour of work, but it can not be generalized to all women and pregnancies. 0-4 centimeters dilated than premature birth, and it is not unusual for a woman up to 2 centimeters dilated weeks before the birth. 4-7 centimeters dilation occurs during active labor market policy. 7.10 inches, the phase transition (change of the active phase of labor, the last delivery), and if the cervix is ​​10 centimeters (about the size of a newborn head) is dilated as is ready to give birth.
In the last weeks of pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman begins her physical preparation for childbirth. The first signs of labor are effacement and dilation of major changes occur in the neck and work together for the baby to arrive safely and stress-free womb.

יום שני, 23 בינואר 2012

Two ways to induce a natural birth

In late pregnancy, almost all women, they may begin to feel a little frustrated worried about meeting your little bundle of joy and very satisfied with the uneasy feeling that accompanies a woman in the final stages of her pregnancy. There are many ways safe for women who are at least 39 weeks to induce labor naturally at home. Although women are some methods to start the process naturally induce labor at 37 weeks to make, and some doctors prefer women do not start from the age of the fetus may have been charged. Before you speak one of the following Make sure your gynecologist.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil is used to ripen the cervix. Once the cervix is starting to expand redeemed at 100%, although in some cases extend the os of the cervix before it is completely erased. Evening primrose oil can be used orally, is inserted into the vagina or rubbed into the neck. At 36 weeks you can be up to two 500 mg capsules of evening primrose oil per day, not preterm labor, if taken correctly, but in preparing the cervix for delivery as soon as we are born of the word. At 38 weeks, the dose to 3 capsules 1 capsule orally and vaginally to be increased. The capsule is inserted into the vagina at night to dissolve and prevent the vagina. In addition to helping to soften the cervix, evening primrose oil has also been shown to prevent women who need an episiotomy after childbirth.

Walking is the preferred method for inducing labor naturally is. This method can be used to walk around the block, through the mail or at home. Some women use a treadmill, but this method should be used safely with another person there. A ball delivery can also be used as a method to induce labor. Guide the ball to move delivery of the baby continues through the birth canal. When using the birthing ball to sit on the ball in the breech position. You can on and off at a pace and of course you can roll the ball back. These methods of induction can that be hard work, but you have a slow and steady. Do not try to walk or a birth center ball when you are on bed rest

יום שבת, 21 בינואר 2012

successful delivery tips

To avoid unnecessary stress and reduces the chances of complications at birth follows some of the best tips for a successful delivery and easy.
• Walking helps the mother's mouth wide to induce labor. You should know that when you get up, pressure on the neck and bring them to expand. But never forget that you drink plenty of water to maintain the liquid state of the property. You must also remember not to escape, avoid injury, to prevent your body.
• From the first day of pregnancy, participation in regular exercise and meditation. A daily practice to strengthen your body's flexibility and movement, learning to breathe properly, how the muscles contract and relax efficiently, and how to calm the mind and stress is in preparation for the work is indispensable coming and delivery.
• In women who are surrounded by positive people and care are less likely to need emergency C-section. If you can have multiple people in the delivery with you and your partner, hiring a doula, or your mother, sister, mother or your best friend in the room too.
• If the baby has almost made his debut, but needs a little extra help, your doctor may prescribe an area assisted delivery. It is the use of obstetrical instruments special to make things a little easier. A tool is a pair of pliers. American Pregnancy website describes it as a clip-Tong as a tool, with links to the pages. Tweezers gently turn the baby's head, to guide you through the birth canal.
• You want your mind or you may not want to use painkillers during childbirth. However, it is important that you know all your options, because when the time comes, can begin to think differently. Keep an open mind and be prepared for everything.
• Get a lot of essential fatty acids and high-quality protein from animals is a factor, hard work and effective, and essential amino acids build your muscles for a successful implementation of necessary supports. It is particularly important to consume adequate amounts of the amino acids L-carnitine grazing red meat and organs, such as beef heart.
There are many parents who are always happy to give birth and your baby are. Always remember that it do natural ways to induce labor, but only if the baby is ready to go. Just be careful if you do, so these methods do not harm your baby.

יום שישי, 6 בינואר 2012

acupuncture a natural way to dilate your cervix

Like many other mothers have reached the advanced stages of pregnancy, you may feel tired of being pregnant and want to finally see your baby.
Or you might fear that you end up using precious days of maternity leave - without your baby.
Your doctor can talk about it to induce labor in a hospital because of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure or because they fear that your baby is too big or too small.
Or, after announcing that your baby can be born "On any day," he told him to wait patiently!
If you are planning a vaginal birth, you may face a situation that either the natural occurrence of the supply of labor or cesarean section - again.
Therefore, it could induce the most important information on natural ways to work maternity acupressure call ever read ...
... Because acupressure points could grow on your skin's specific job to start their work safely and naturally in 48 hours!
It has been in several independent studies have shown that acupressure can avoid medical labor induction and brings on labor naturally.
Acupressure points for inducing labor help the cervix to dilate, the slow early labor, your baby to fall, and promote contractions of labor.
More importantly, you can use acupressure points for pregnancy, when the cervix is not dilated. In fact, maternity acupressure points to help the cervix to widen and your work!
In addition, maternity acupressure relieves other issues affecting the work of late, such as anxiety, tension and anxiety.
What is wonderful that this method is not more than stimulate your body or your baby's stress, as it only helps the body function better, best!
The maternity acupressure method helps move labor naturally without risking.

יום חמישי, 5 בינואר 2012

use Home remedy to Cervix Dilate

When a woman reaches the end of her pregnancy, it can be very unpleasant and held the hope of the final process of labor and delivery. If you are accustomed to using natural resources to their health problems, you should consider home remedies to dilate your cervix. It is important that these resources are those that are not only effective, selected, but no danger to the mother or the fetus.

Probably the best choice of home remedies for the start or strengthen contractions is acupressure. Acupressure is widely accepted in Western cultures than ever before for many types of treatments, preventive measures and improve the natural processes. Acupressure will not harm the child and the mother's health can improve significantly.

The purpose of acupressure and home remedies to improve other thin neck and the strength of the contractions, so that cervical dilation occurs. Contractions and other signs of labor can vary from one woman to another, but controlled clinical studies show that acupressure is compared to other types of treatment to induce and shorten the work cycle. It uses acupressure, working time is usually shorter than all without intervention.

Other home remedies that may be useful in a massage. Massage relieves stress and tension in the mind and muscles, the women are able to relax. This may be sufficient to trigger severe contractions and the cervix fully extended. Sex has similar results and relaxation for the mother and father.

Evening primrose oil is sometimes used, especially in home births or midwife to the cervix thin. It is used internally. The recommendation is to avoid the use of these resources, otherwise the risk of infection in the baby or the mother. Avoid the use of selective herbs such as black or blue. It has been shown that the potential to cause severe bleeding in the mother and increased heart rate in young children.

Home remedies for swollen neck should not be used 38 weeks of pregnancy. Although women do not feel well, it's more important to allow the pregnancy to term before you start a race for the birth. Even a week of the pregnancy can make a difference in health and child development.

The investigation was conducted, and it shows that more than eighty percent of pregnant women to induce labor with acupressure experience a normal birth, with fewer complications than women who did not with the techniques. Did you know that it also reduces the amount of time you're at work?

יום רביעי, 4 בינואר 2012

Acupressure for Help Your Cervix Dilate

Simple and easy ways to find stretch the cervix, it is not so simple. It is easy enough ways to expand your cervix and induce labor to find, but there are very few good ways to speed up the process.

You do not want your body to do this very quickly because it can make the process more difficult birth.

One of the best safest way to make your cervix dilates and help accelerate the slow part is the use of maternity acupressure. This article explains how it works and what it does.

Acupressure and motherhood
Maternity acupressure is a simple and easy ways to make your mother's mouth wide
Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique based on the principles of acupuncture and involves the use of finger pressure (without needles) at specific points along the body.

Acupressure is a way of accessing and releasing blocked or congested energy centers in the body.

The acupressure massage therapy stimulates and activates the energy centers to help the body fight disease and to restore harmony. Some of the acupressure points are significant in relation to a particular part of the body, while others are more general in their effects.

Maternity Acupressure focuses on the stimulation of specific points, the wide of the cervix, pain, anxiety and nervousness, to fight nausea, which can strengthen the contractions and more.

This ancient Chinese technique has been recognized as a part of modern medicine and has been as good from the World Health Organization (WHO) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) were tested, known among other research institutions

יום שלישי, 3 בינואר 2012

Using a birth ball can help you to dilate faster

How about if I told you, one could simple, cost-effective to increase your health during pregnancy, the position your baby correctly on the birth of pain relief during labor and help you to develop against and respond quickly your baby?

It's a tool. This is called a Birth Ball.

It looks well as a toy for children. However, a Birth Ball makes a big difference in the pregnancy and birth.

Birth balls are easy to find because they are the exercise balls. Even Wal-Mart - you can always get sporting goods store. They are not expensive at first, but I recommend a high quality. The last thing you want is your ball ten U.S. dollars, which explodes in the workplace)

Get a Birth Ball that you are sitting in the comfort and touch their feet off the ground. This should be inflated, so that his business, and the knee in the chest when you sit on it. They come in a couple of good size to ensure that it is not too big or too small.

Now that you have the ball and it was swollen, what to do with it?

The beauty of a Birth Ball during the pregnancy is far promotes good posture. It is also fully compatible with the pelvis that you sit on it. These two things together to alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy and to stimulate circulation.

Your comfort is important at this time, but a ball of birth has an advantage, even during pregnancy. His attitude and position of the pelvis, while staying on the ball of your birth to encourage your baby in one position.

This means that your baby with his back to the womb holds. Why is it so important?

You have probably heard of "new job". Many women say, as this was a great experience for them. Back labor occurs when a baby back - the return of the child who is in the back means.

Sitting on a Birth Ball actually encourage regularly during pregnancy to move you and your child in a previous post that remain increases the chances of an easy delivery!

How then can help when you're at work?

The ball in the world brings a great help when you are at work, and in a manner that is very beneficial to you is that you dilatation. All muscle groups, he relaxed and keeps the route of the cervix, your baby. This is a rapid expansion.

You can sit on the ball and deny the bed or the birth of your partner. He rocks back and forth with ease. A rocking motion was used by the mothers over time, to open pool and help the child in the rotation through the birth canal.

Rest your weight on the ball and your partner or support - the legs and abdomen. Relax all the muscles and let your body go limp. Much of the pain of labor was tense and stiff. With a Birth Ball that asked this question, takes pains to help the cervix dilate faster, and helped the baby moves through the birth canal.

A Birth Ball is a can a simple, good help you feel comfortable during your pregnancy and help you find it easier and faster delivery.

Get more tips and tools, which provide smooth, natural, simple - and discover how natural birth benefits both you and your baby.

יום שני, 2 בינואר 2012

How quickly dilate during pregnancy

Dilation of the cervix during pregnancy occurs during childbirth, allowing the baby to pass through the birth canal. Uterine contractions and the pressure of the baby's head against the cervix and cervical dilation to facilitate the changes needed to the delivery is complete. The expansion will not occur until the body is ready, but it can help certain techniques to move as soon as the cervix is favorable. Attempts to facilitate the work and the cervix, should only be used if you are at work, are starting with early labor.

Go as far as possible once you are at work, a movement of the gravity of the body and the baby in the birth canal to stimulate down. The pressure can help the baby's head against the neck of the expansion and the removal or thinning of the cervix, and contractions that facilitate and contribute to the expansion. Have someone go with you to help them, and go, as long as they can tolerate.

Use a ball of birth, if any, and sit on it with her legs spread. Indulge your upper body on a chair or in bed, while you sit on the ball of the birth to help expand the pool and relax the pelvic floor muscles. They help to think rocking gently on taking advantage of gravity to stretch the baby's head against the cervix in order.

Sitting or standing in a hot shower to relax called. Relax as much as possible during labor to muscle tension, doing the hard physical labor can work to relieve. Use a hot shower can help to tensions, contractions and cervical dilation to relieve. Otherwise, use a hot bath to be sure, with in-and out of the cockpit of one or the other method.

Consider allowing your doctor to rupture the amniotic sac or membranes, if you are already at work and she advises. The contractions may increase if the amniotic sac breaks, which help the expansion and softening of the uterus to speed. Consider other options in order to dilate the cervix, as cervical insertion of the balls or the use of cervical pills or gel that is recommended by your doctor.

Consider a pharmaceutical intervention to help the cervix, if necessary. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks when we trigger the use of pitchers, the contractions, or make contractions stronger and more regular cervical dilation and thinning may propose occur.

יום ראשון, 1 בינואר 2012

How to increase the extension of the pregnancy

The pregnancy is planned to last an average of 40 weeks or 9 months. Month and a half count because the pregnancy is, in fact, as the day is the first day of last menstrual period, in which the woman is not pregnant yet, of course. Often, the woman becomes pregnant within 2 weeks or a month and a half after the beginning of the period.

Only 20% of pregnancies end in week 40

The remaining pregnancies end in about 10 days before or after the scheduled time. When the body is ready for delivery, the work is soon. This is when the cervix begins to dilate. This will be accompanied by contractions and light show blood or discharge. Exactly when it starts so that it can vary from one woman to work your body is determined.
Written by RK on 14 December 2011
To increase the extension of the pregnancy stages of labor and the expansion

The pregnancy is planned to last an average of 40 weeks or 9 months. Month and a half count because the pregnancy is, in fact, as the day is the first day of last menstrual period, in which the woman is not pregnant yet, of course. Often, the woman becomes pregnant within 2 weeks or a month and a half after the beginning of the period.

Only 20% of pregnancies end in week 40
The remaining pregnancies end in about 10 days before or after the scheduled time. When the body is ready for delivery, the work is soon. This is when the cervix begins to dilate. This will be accompanied by contractions and light show blood or discharge. Exactly when it starts so that it can vary from one woman to work your body is determined.
Stages of labor and the expansion

The steps are:

* Premature births. It is unpredictable working hours will run from the start. For mothers, it may actually occur over several days, while the rest have very simple with just a few hours. Other supplies often make the task much easier and faster.
* Active. This is when the cervix is fully dilated or the elimination of about 10 cm. If this happens, your body is programmed to increase the contractions, so that the child will leave the birth canal.
* Birth. Contractions and exercise can help the babies in the world.

Ways to increase cervical dilation

* Active labor begins and will only succeed if the cervix is fully open and almost completely. That is why some women want to grow quickly to get the birth over with as soon as possible. Now the body has a different plan and take several hours to several days to fully open the cervix.
* However, if the doctor is necessary to induce labor holds, then the expansion will increase. Is often the case when the wife about your affair, but still no signs of labor.
* To increase the growth and induction of labor, it can do the following:
or prostaglandin gel will be placed in the cervix, to make it softer.
Artificial rupture of membranes made by the physician.
or the hormone oxytocin is administered intravenously in the form of oxytocin.